PrEP Islatravir
At McCann Health New York, my partner and I were asked to develop creative communication tactics designed to retain adolescent girls and young women in the PrEP trial for the full three years.
Young women in Sub-Saharan Africa face the highest risk of HIV in the world. The University of Washington is studying a monthly HIV prevention pill called, PrEP Islatravir, where they recruited women from the ages of 16 to 25 in eSwatini, Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. It is critical to stay in the trial for the full 3 years.
Considerations for the briefing:
Privacy is key — ideas should not rely on women being known by other participants or externally.
It is okay to engage communities and get people talking about and normalizing PrEP
Ideas should also not rely on robust digital community management
Channels could include social media (TikTok, WhatsApp, Instagram), community events, IPC via community health workers or at clinics.
My role: Copywriter
PrEP Yourself
Hair salons are popular in the Sub-Saharan African region. Salons are where women open up and talk about their lives to their hairstylists & make friends with other customers. To normalize women taking their monthly PrEP, they will associate it with their monthly self-care routine.
PrEP will partner with local salons where the women participating in the trial will receive free monthly visits for three years as an incentive to adhere to the trial.
This will enable women to prioritize PrEP by associating it with their monthly care routine, and start to view PrEP as a form of self-care.